Has anyone seen Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince? We went yesterday morning and loved ever minute of it. It's definitely my favorite movie of the series - so far!! It followed the book pretty well, although reading the actual book is always going to be better. The directing was perfect and there were so many little things thrown into the background that just made it extra special. We laughed out loud numerous times. The acting skills of the kids have greatly improved in this one and all of the characters were just spot on - especially Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix. We had a wonderful crowd in the packed theater who all giggled, sighed at the love stories, shed a few tears, gasped and even jumped at one point.

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all products from The Angel Company
Stamps: Hit the Beach
Paper: Lilly Anna, Lilly Anna cardstock, Premium White
Ink: Palette Noir
Other: Prismacolor pencils, Lilly Anna ribbon, Lemonade button, white Scrapper's floss
Love your card - it's so cute!!
I haven't seen Harry Potter yet and am dying too!! I have a problem though...I'm new to the area and no one in my family has read the books or seen all the movies (TERRIBLE, RIGHT?!?!) so if someone does go with me they just won't get it - you know? I'm definitely going to see it in a theater though!!
So cute! I can't believe you cut out the bikini top! Those are some itty bitty little things to cut out!
Adorable card, Kim! LOVE all of the paper piecing & your great coloring!
I can't WAIT to see the new HP flick! Poot & I are huge fans, and I don't know how many times I have watched the other movies over and over again!
Oh this is such a fun card! Love it!!
I've fallen behind on the HP movies but I'll see it sometime!
I knew you'd be at that movie, glad you enjoyed it. It's nice when they meet expectations...I'm thinking they could have added HOURS AND HOURS to LotRs though! ;) This image is fun, love their paper pieced clothes, they are stylin!
LOL...those birds make me laugh! Great card!
For sme reason those silly birds remind me of a pic of my mom and her "Golden Girls" group of friends. Too funny!
I'm so glad to hear you rave about HP---I can't believe I still hven't seen it. ACCK!
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