Happy Memorial Day weekend!!! Do you have any special plans?? Today we are having a cookout over at my brother's house. Both sides of our families are in town (parents and siblings with their families - about 24 people). With my niece still visiting from Germany it's the perfect time to get everyone together for some good food and lots of chatting. Should be fun! I just wanted to share a couple things with you real quick. Panda is doing great. Thanks to everyone who has checked up on me lately! We are in the final stretch with around 8 weeks left to go. Still feeling great as long as I can keep my feet from swelling in this 90˚ + heat. I keep joking that I'm going to have to start sleeping in the freezer section at the local grocery store :) Baby moves around often. I love watching my belly thump and twitch. It always brings a smile to my face! My latest craving has been watermelon. In fact, I've craved it my entire pregnancy and now that it's in season, I can't get enough. As in we have bought 3 this month!

Look what I picked in our backyard the other day!
Dewberries and they are HUGE this year. When I think of May, I always think of going out and picking dewberries. They are just like blackberries, only they grow wild all over Texas and they are big. Ross is already dreaming about
Cobbler. Speaking of cooking, have I found a recipe for you. Thursday night I tried Picky Palate's
BBQ Shredded Chicken and Caramelized Red Onion Ranch Spaghetti. I'm drooling just thinking about it. You MUST save and try this recipe. It was sooooo super easy and the flavors are amazing. The BBQ chicken is perfect with the Ranch pasta. Ross raved about it and we both enjoyed leftovers the next day. It was just as good, if not better, the second time around! That's it from me. Enjoy your holiday weekend!!!
For some reason that recipe sounds utterly DELICIOUS! Definitely adding to my list :0)
YUM!!! Sounds like a great time with family Kim! Give Panda a little rub from me. :)
that's funny about watermelon. I craved Strawberries - shakes mostly as I was always trying to stay cool. Abby loves Strawberries and can't get enough...wonder where she got it?! Glad to know Panda is doing well - tell Panda HI!
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