Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sight Seeing Galore

We saw a ton of stuff today and I wish I could show y'all the many pics I took, but that would take forever because I took 145 photos. The weather was gorgeous and absolutely perfect. So let me just start listing stuff. As we were walking to the bus stop this morning, we passed by The New York Times. We saw the Soup Nazi's kitchen from Seinfield, Trump Towers, and we went inside Ulysess S. Grant's tomb/memorial. At the Plaza we got out so Ross could visit the new Apple Store on 5th avenue. Notice he is wearing his Apple hat :) Gotta represent, LOL. FAO Schwarz was right behind it so of course we had to go check it out. It was neat to see all of the employees dressed up and playing. The baby doll section was set up like a nursery at a hospital and you go pick out your doll, then talk to the "nurses" and officially adopt your baby. They also had a ton of Harry Potter stuff. I was nervous about which house the sorting hat would place me in! We saw Hagrid, Ron, Hermione, R2D2, Chewbacca, and Darth Vader all made out of legos. There were some employees who put on a little show using the floor piano from the movie BIG. They were really good. We got back on the bus and drove through Soho. Found the apartment where I Am Legend was filmed! Also drove through the financial district and saw where Ground Zero was. We hope to go see that again before we leave. For lunch/dinner, we ate at Carnegie Deli. Geez those sandwiches are huge. We didn't order one that big but I just started taking pictures of what the people around us ordered. The guy next to us got this gigantic BLT with turkey. Notice the ketchup bottle compared to the size of the sandwich. Eek. Me and Ross split the Milton's Smorgasbord which included Shrimp Salad, Chicken Salad, Tuna Salad and Egg Salad. They were all delish! Finally to end the night, we went up on top of the Empire State Building. It was so neat to see everything lit up and pick out the places that we had seen on the tour. Can you tell that my parents were really excited? I blinded them with my camera, but this photo made me giggle. It was definitely a great day. I really loved driving through all the different districts and seeing how the architecture changed. I also love seeing all the American flags hanging on a lot of the buildings. They are everywhere!!! Okay that was a long post, sorry. I warned y'all that we saw a lot!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!! Thanks for stopping by.


Tracy H said...

I'm really enjoying reading about your trip! Now I really want to visit :)

Thanks for sharing as you go---you're seeing some fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

Kim, you look so cute in that hat!! And perfect pic of Ross! Your parents are so cute, looks like your all having so much fun, I can really feel your excitement. And OMGosh on those sandwiches, they ARE huge, they look super yummy! Have fun meeting up with Edie and Jess!

Melissa said...

Kim, I'm loving your photos!! You look super cute in that hat.

Sheila Hallworth said...

we have a pic of my son in the very sam sorting hat! We got Gryffindor, how about you?!