Ahoy, matey. Did ye know that September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Aye, it tis indeed!!! Me lil' buccaneer and I thought it might be fun to share a few of our favorite pirate books with ye.
There Was an Old Pirate Who Swallowed a Fish by Jennifer Ward
A fun twist on the book There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. This one, of course, includes a pirate who swallows all sorts of things: a slimy fish, a map, a treasure chest ... even a ship. It's playful, silly and we love saying, "Yo ho ho! Watch his belly grow". The best part of this book though, is the illustrations!!! They are vivid, humorous, and just fun to look at.
Charlotte Jane Battles Bedtime by Myra Wolfe
I was really excited when I heard about this book because the main character is a girl pirate and her name is Charlotte. She is a full of energy and always ready for an adventure (hmm, that sounds familiar). The problem is she starts going to bed later and later until one day, she stays up all night. She quickly realizes that she has no energy and sleeping might not be such a bad thing after all. This book is super cute, full of pirate lingo and really great illustrations.
Do Pirates Take Baths? by Kathy Tucker
You can't help but smile while reading this book! Each page starts with a question such as: What Do Pirates Eat, What Do Pirates Wear, Do Pirates Have Pets or Do Pirates Celebrate Birthdays? The author brilliantly answers these questions in short, fun rhymes. I always read this book using my best pirate accent. That, paired with the playful illustrations and silly questions always makes Charlotte giggle the entire time.
Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC by June Sobel
The captain of this book orders his crew to capture each letter of the alphabet. The pirates are all animals and the text has a simple rhyme to it. It's a fun and creative way to review your ABC's. Charlotte absolutely loves searching for the letters hidden in the illustrations on each page!!!
Pirates Go to School by Corinne Demas
I found this book nearly two years ago at a book fair and it has quickly become one of our favorites. It follows a group of pirates as they spend a day at school. Of course, their parrots come along, they practice math by counting skulls, play walk the plank during recess and unfortunately always smell like rotting fish. It's another book that is full of great rhymes, humor and wonderful illustrations.
Princesses Can Be Pirates Too! by Christi Zellerhoff
Another great pirate book that includes a girl. One afternoon, a frilly dressed little girl sets out to prove to her brother and his friends that princesses can indeed be pirates if they choose to be. They can be brave, in charge and even defend themselves against danger. Talk about a positive message!!! It's told through fluid rhymes and includes some great humor.
Pirates are definitely popular these days and kids sure seem to love them! Hope we inspired ye landlubbers to put on an eye patch and celebrate being a pirate with us. If you know of any other great pirate themed books, please leave us a note so we can add them to our treasure map to hunt down!
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