Another month has flown by. Charlotte turns 2 months old today and my how she has changed in the last few weeks. She is sporting a double chin these days and some mighty adorable arm and leg rolls. She is very alert and has recently started cooing and smiling up a storm. It's quite cute and makes us melt instantly. I think we have a talker on our hands. She loves for you to copy her sounds - she chatters right back at you. She's also very strong! She holds her head up pretty good and will try to pull up if you hold on to her little hands when she is laying down. She can't wait to get moving.

Charlotte LOVES getting in her car seat and going for a ride. She immediately calms down and most often falls asleep before we get out of the neighborhood. Her fuzz on the top of her head is slowly coming in finally. She is still sporting the old man hairdo at the moment. It's very long in the back and she has some pretty nice comb overs on the top! No matter what we do it sticks straight up all around. Her new favorite place to lounge is cradled in her daddy's arms. He slowly walks her around the house and she slowly drifts off to sleep until she is a limp noodle.

Regardless to say we are very smitten with our little girl. She makes us laugh and smile all day long. Momma is doing good. I got my kidney stone analysis back and they were caused by a high level of uric acid in my body. I was told that they have been there for a long time and to lower my red meat intake - which I haven't eaten red meat in 8 years :) so I'm on some meds for now to hopefully inhibit more from developing in the future. I go back in January for another cat scan and follow up. Ross has been working from home 90% of the week so that has been nice. We get to see him throughout the day. He is set up in the office so that is why I don't get online too often anymore. I would rather spend my time with Charlotte at the moment anyways. Everyone says that these days go by so quickly so I'm trying to soak them all in while I can. One day I will get back to stamping and creating, but until them I'm visiting blogs and getting lots and lots of ideas! Thanks for stopping by. Wishing everyone a sunshiny day!!!
Awe, too cute. She's a real beauty. Enjoy every moment. My little one is 6 and time really does fly!
Love the updates...what a sweet baby! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! :) The time flies...faster than you can even believe possible. sigh...
She is absolutely adorable! I'm so glad that you are able to stay home and soak up everything. It is true they grow up waaaaaaaay toooooo fast!! Glad everyone is doing good :)
Thanks for the baby fix pictures and updates - she is beautiful!! So happy you're all doing well.
Aw, she is adorable! They do grow up way too quickly. Somehow our oldest will already be 7 next month. I don't know how that happened.
I can't believe it's been 2 months!! She is so precious!! Good to "see" you!
How totally stinking adorable is she?! Love the hair in the car seat too! And her face, love her cheeks! Time does fly so enjoy those moments with her!
Love her hair in the second pic, oh my gosh, she's SOOOO sweet & adorable Kim!!
Awh she is so adorable. What a cutie pie. We recently found out we are expecting a special delivery May of next year. We are so excited! I can't wait to be a Mommy!! :)
Ohhhh so PRECIOUS!!
YES!!! Enjoy every single minute (even the bad ones) because my daughter just turned 29 and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. HUGS!!!
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