Can you believe that my baby girl is a month old already?? I can't! I feel like I missed many parts of her first month with everything that has gone on these past few weeks. Charlotte has made it all better though. She makes us smile all day long and we are already so in love with her. It has been neat watching her change already. She has clearly gained some weight. We smooch on her chubby cheeks and tiny baby rolls constantly. Her hair is a wild mess. It sticks up all over the place :) She is starting to be more alert at times throughout the day and she is starting to focus on stuff. She loves to cuddle and be held close, but when she is awake watch out. She is a mover! She is constantly kicking and picking her head up to look around. She LOVES her bath and kicks the water the entire time she is in there. It's hard not to sit here and stare at her all day long. I'm happy to report that my kidney stones are a thing of the past - thank goodness! I'm still taking it easy, resting lots and letting my body heal. Over the weekend we finally were able to start getting into a routine and I must say it's going good so far. I must apologize greatly for not responding to many of you who have sent beautiful cards, gifts, emails or who have called to check on us. We truly appreciate it all and now that I'm finally getting better, I will get back to you soon - I promise! Thanks for all of the sweet comments, prayers and thoughts that you have sent our way this past month. They truly touched our hearts and were greatly felt!
Oh my gosh, she's SO beautiful!!! You are making me want more, lol, though my sanity couldn't handle it :0)
Aww, she's gorgeous Kim. Many congratulations to you and Ross. Hope all goes well at the hospital this week and you get to spend every spare moment with your bundle of joy!
Love the picture - no wonder you smooch on her constantly!! I'm so happy to hear everyone is doing well. I think of you often ♥
Gosh, how sweet looking is she?! Too cute!
She is so precious! Glad things are going better now. :)
Oh my she is adorable!! I want to cuddle with her for sure :) Glad the kidney stones are gone and that your mommy time is good - enjoy every minute as you can see she will grow fast!
You can't help but go awwww...give that sweet baby a little snuggle for me, so adorable she is Kim! So happy your feeling better ((hugs)). On the Christmas cards, I say you take a family pic and call it good! ;)
I'm so happy to see you are feeling much better!!! She's so adorable Kim and give her a sunshiny kiss from me!
Absolutely precious, Kim!!
Awww! She is so sweet! What a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations!! Enjoy each moment because when you blink the moment is gone!!! Good news that your kidney stones are gone! Hope you take advantage of extra cuddle time with your tiny one as you recover!
Been thinking about you ... rest up!! :)
What a sweet, little beauty! I can see why you'd like to spend the day just looking at her and kissing those cheeks.
I'm glad that your kidney stones are gone and that life is settling into a routine for you. Don't worry about anything other than enjoying the baby and getting yourself back to 100% strength. The rest can wait.
Ohh Kim she is so PRECIOUS!!! I could look at her for hours!!
She is sooooo beautiful!!!! And I hope your life calms down a bit now with the stones gone- good grief!!!!
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