It's been awhile since I've showed y'all around the yard. We have quite a few things blooming lately which is a miracle because it's been so darn hot. It is currently raining outside though so that is a good sign! First up we have the Angel Pink Canna Lily. We have it planted along the fence next to the herb garden. I LOVE the color of the petals!!! I can see it when I look out the back door. We have a few different canna lilies planted around the yard.

They are great, we hardly do anything to them and they just bloom like crazy and come back every year. Can't beat that. This next one is probably one of my favorites! It's called a Desert Rose. It puts out gorgeous blooms and again is perfect for our hot weather here in Texas.

We just have it sitting in a pot out on our back walkway. I'm very envious of the one my parents have. Theirs is really big and tall. Soooo pretty!!! If you look straight across from the Desert Rose, you will see our herb garden leading us to the next pic. That is our peppermint. At the moment it is covered in these dainty little light purple flowers. I LOVE mint and we really do use it in a lot of things. Be sure to check out the
Mint Nut Bread recipe I posted. It's yummalicious!! Or cool off with a nice refreshing

Moving on, we come to the Turk's Cap. This is planted along the fence on the other side of the Canna Lily and it is a HUGE bush. I love the little tropical red blooms it puts out. The hummingbirds go crazy over it. This is another plant we don't do a thing to and it comes back every year. I like that kind of gardening :)Our last pic is of a morning glory. Funny thing is, we have a pot by the fence with a dead plant in it.

So it looked like a potted stick for awhile. Until we noticed this morning glory sprouting from the base. Definitely a wonderful thing to find. It has now intertwined all the way up the dead stick and has blooms all over the place. I love morning glories!!! All of these plants are located in a 3 yard radius so it's a colorful part of our backyard!!!!
Love the flowers pics!!!
Great Photos!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Greetings, Sonia (Sony)
Beautiful photos, Kim, the flowers are gorgeous!
what beautiful flowers Kim!!
Congrats on getting pubbed in the TAC catty!
Kim, your flowers are beautiful! Is mint hard to grow???
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