I have a few photos to share with y'all today. Yesterday we were out at Old Settler's Park to watch my nephew play his third baseball game of the weekend. It's so relaxing to sit out there and cheer his team on, even if you do get burned to a crisp. Let's just say the top of my foot will have a nice v-shaped tan eventually. After the game, we drove through the park and found a field FULL of bluebonnets.
The sun was way to bright to get some good shots but I tried to get a closeup. It was so cute because there were a ton of families out there taking picture of their kids all dressed up in their Sunday best or adorable Spring outfits. I think that's definitely a Texas tradition. Late in the afternoon, Ross decided he wanted to clean out the herb garden. So of course I sat out there with the camera and watched.
We have a deal. He gets dirty and cleans everything out or plants. I prune the potted plants and water. It works. I noticed that after he picked the rosemary up a snail went running for cover. Well running isn't exactly the correct terminology. It took almost 30 minutes for it to get across the dirt. Here it was stretching as far as possible over 2 dirt clumps. I snapped another photo of a hollyhock bloom. Ours is now covered in 7 open blooms. Ross wants to plant some more in the same area so hopefully we will have a whole corner full of pink blooms soon.
I then moved out of the way and was sitting near the mint and look what I spotted, a ladybug. Actually there were about 5 ladybugs climbing all over the mint. We usually have a ton of them in the yard which is good. Not only are they cute, but they help keep the aphids away!! That all. Sorry for the long post. I love taking the camera outside and seeing what I can find. If you end up trying that one afternoon, leave me a comment here with a link to your photos. I would love to see what you find in your yard! I'm off to empty another cabinet so I can start painting it tomorrow. Have a wonderful day!
Love the snail photo! Very cool!
Great pics, Kim!
I go outside and take pictures all the time -- it's so much fun!
Love the snail!
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